miniabdominoplastia     The miniabdominoplasty is not a small or smaller abdominoplasty. It is performed through an incision slightly smaller than abdominoplasty; and through it, it is possible to address the whole abdomen, as in classical abdominoplasty.




1. What is the difference between abdominoplasty and miniabdominoplasty?
     The scar from miniabdominoplasty is smaller, but that’s not the only difference. They are recommended for different patients:
• Abdominoplasty – Recommended for patients with moderate or great skin excess, especially below the navel. Usually performed on patients who form skin “aprons” and have sagging and stretch marks.
• Miniabdominoplasty – For patients who have little spare skin, especially above the navel, that is not enough to perform the classic abdominoplasty. But even with minor skin excess, these patients are bothered by sagging and shape of the abdominal region.

2. Can lose abdominal muscles be repaired in this surgery?
     Yes, we call this looseness muscular diastasis. Diastasis is very common after pregnancies or large changes in weight. The approximation of the edges of the rectus abdominis muscles allows the closing of the “distancing” and this suture is placed through specific surgical sutures.

3. What type of anesthesia is used for miniabdominoplasty?
     In most cases, we use anesthetic blocks such as epidural and spinal anesthesia, both are the same anesthesia used during C-sections. In some specific cases, general anesthesia may be necessary.

mini abdominoplastia4. What are the scars?
     We use a smaller scar that the abdominoplasty, but greater than that of cesarean section. It is located just above the pubic hair and extends to the side. This scar is designed so that it is hidden by bathing suits. In a miniabdominoplasty, the scar in the navel is not necessary. It will be detached under the skin and will leave no visible scar.

5. Is the use of a drain necessary?
     We use the drain in most patients who undergo the miniabdominoplasty. The drain is very important to remove excess liquid from the abdominal region, preventing that it accumulates in the area of surgery. The drain outlet orifices are usually 2 stitches below the surgical wound, on the pubic area. The drain is painlessly removed around the 4th day of the postoperative period.

6. Can I get pregnant again after a miniabdominoplasty?
     Yes. The muscles and the abdominal skin may distend again after a new pregnancy without prejudice to pregnancy. We emphasis the importance of having children before surgery because a new pregnancy could make the patient lose the aesthetic results, especially if there is excessive weight gain. Therefore, have a long talk with your partner about the possibility of having children before you undergo surgery.

7. When will the stitches be removed?
     For this type of surgery we use absorbable sutures, that is, wires that are degraded by the body after a few weeks. Thus, the stitches do not need to be removed, they will disappear by themselves.

8. Is the surgery very painful?
     This surgery does not usually present pain. The pain reported by some patients, is usually due to liposuction which can be performed in the same operation. If the patient complains of pain in the early days, it is usually quite tolerable. We prescribe simple analgesics that patients can take at home prophylactically, that is, before they feel any discomfort.

9. Does the incision get very swollen and purple?
     In the first 5 days, edema (swelling) and ecchymosis (purple) may be present. But, this will depend on how each patient responds to surgery.

10. How long does the surgery last?
     From 2 to 3 hours.

11. How long will I need to stay in hospital?
     From 12 to 24 hours.

12. Is lymphatic massage necessary?
     The massages are very important. The first massage is performed about 4 days after surgery. They help in the early reduction of swelling and scar remodeling. We recommend the execution of at least 10 drainage sessions to be carried out on alternate days for a period of 30 days.

13. Do I have to use compression garments after surgery?
     Yes, the use of compression garments should be carried out for 30 days.